Saturday, November 27, 2010


What if Barack Obama ran against Sarah Palin for President in 2012?  I have done an exhaustive survey – two people.  The first voted for Obama in 2008 but is quite disenchanted and he said that he would vote for Palin in this imaginary race.  The second voted for McCain last time but would vote for Obama because Palin is an ideologue.

I am not a huge Palin fan.  In a Republican primary I would very likely not vote for her.  I hope she does not run.

  1. Yes, Palin is a conservative ideologue.  Obama is a liberal ideologue.  Which is better for the country, conservatism or liberalism?  Conservatism encourages freedom, personal responsibility, human flourishing, and substantial opportunity for the poor to rise out of poverty.  Liberalism squelches freedom with regulation, creates state dependency, diminishes human flourishing, and hurts the poor.
  2. Honesty.  Palin is honest about her idealism.  Obama is not honest about his liberalism.
  3. Who will work with the whole government?  As governor of Alaska Palin consistently worked with the Democrat minority.  Obama has worked with the minority about as little as any president in 100 years.
  4. As Christians, we want to minimize abortion.  Palin is pro-life and would work to stop abortion funding where possible.  Obama is strongly pro-abortion.  A Palin presidency would save hundreds or perhaps thousands of babies.
  5. Conservatives help the unemployed get jobs.  Liberals help the unemployed get a government check.
Our economy is on an unsustainable path to bankruptcy.  It was started on that path by George W. Bush.  But most of the push down that path has come from Barack Obama.  Palin, much more than Obama, would reverse that course.


  1. As a sixth point in favor of Palin, you might add she is most likely a committed Cristian.

    Meanwhile, Obama is (probably at best) a tepid one - if not actually an unbeliever who went to The Rev. Wright's church for political cover and influence in the 'hood and because his wife went there.

    Or, perhaps he may even be a closet Muslim? As you know (as does anybody else paying attention), his father was a Muslim even though his mother was an athiest. So, in the eyes of the Muslim world he is one as well because his father was, and that determines one's religion in that "faith". One doesn't slide out of that conundrum easily without risking a healthy fatwa.

  2. The Republicans lost the last Presidental race because of Palin. We all have to get beyond the prom queen look. She has a cheer leader brain...that's right...there are no bricks in the wheel barrow. If you think Obama turned out bad...Palin would have been worse.


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